Baldur's gate enhanced edition 2 portrait location

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Gorions Ward may choose her as a companion. I've created both an override folder and a portrait folder in both '\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced. Dynaheir is a female human and lawful good invoker in Baldurs Gate and during the Siege of Dragonspear. But now I've tried this on BGII:EE, without success. One just had to drop the portraits into the override folder, pretty much. Glint Gardnersonson is a neutral good gnome multi-class cleric / thief and a potential companion in Baldurs Gate:Siege of Dragonspear (2016)This icon indicates content from the Siege of Dragonspear campaign of the Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition.

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Customize your hero, gather your party, and venture forth in this open-world epic where every choice matters. Help BGII:EE NPC Portraits override location I know that replacing the NPC portraits in BG:EE was very easy. Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition is a classic fantasy RPG set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. Spoiler tags - Use the builtin reddit markdown for spoilers within posts/comments.įilters only function on old reddit or mobile reddit. Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition 1.3 Trailer. Tag your submissions! Click the flair link under your post and select the appropriate game for your post.ĭoing a Let's Play or similar video series? Feel free to submit a link to the first episode or an occasional update (no more than once a week), but please refrain from posting every video you produce. Patch 2.6.6 for BGEE, BG2EE, SoD, and IWDEE is now live! | Looking for Baldur's Gate 3? Try /r/baldursgate3!

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