The popular fandoms are somewhat similar to those popular in the real cosplay community, though there are certain differences. Many cosplayers use the fleshbaby style, though recently many people have drifted from that style and started using more vibrant colors and different colored lines.Ī cosplay of Hoshino Ichika (in Full Metal Heart outfit) foto flowers cute mood sunflower ideias insp inspiration visit nail outfit skin care much. Some include their headcanons in their cosplays. However, Pony Town is also a decently popular online game. Some people make their characters look as close to canon, and
The appearance differs for each person and character. There are also zones where you can find a group of characters from one fandom together. Popular on Pony Town and can be found everywhere. They're veryĪ group of JJBA cosplayers gathered in one spot Very docile personality, quite like unlike Fluttershys.
Shes a weather pony on the rain division, she mainly makes light rain that you normally see in spring and fall. Most of them just sit in one place, however many of them can be found roleplaying as the characters they're dressed up. Heres one of my favorite OCs, Cloud Dancer 1 / 2. A group of FNF cosplayers gathered in one spotĬosplayers, as the name suggests, make ponies that look like characters from certain fandoms.